Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A Historic Time for Public Higher Education


As we near the end of August and the summer begins to slip away, those of us in higher education see this time of year as a new beginning. Our students have returned to campus, and the air has filled with equal parts excitement and anticipation.

For our new students, this is the beginning of a life-changing journey. No other transition in life is as transformative as the start of a collegiate career. Remarkable opportunities await and I urge our students to make the most of them. For our returning students, arriving back on campus should feel like a homecoming. They are being reunited with friends, professors, and valued staff members as they move ever closer to their goal of graduating.

That goal of graduation rests at the heart of our mission as educators. I’m encouraged to witness the trajectory we’re taking in Pennsylvania in support of our students and their future success. This is a historic time for public higher education in Pennsylvania. The past few months have seen both a first-of-its-kind integration of public institutions and record investment by the legislature in our state-owned universities. The unprecedented 16% increase in the State System’s appropriation signifies the state’s support of the power and promise of public higher education in Pennsylvania.

We at Commonwealth University are paving the way for bold ideas and collaborations as we embark on a new path that unites three historic institutions—Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield. Individually, these schools carry storied legacies of educating students, serving their communities, and preparing tomorrow’s leaders. Together, as Commonwealth University, we will offer students increased access to a broader range of academic programs, opportunities for experiential learning and research, keeping an eye to affordability, while promising a high-quality education powered by high-impact practices. Students graduating from Commonwealth University, many of whom stay and work in the region, will be prepared to enter the workforce and make an immediate impact in their careers and communities.

This season of new beginnings is brimming with possibility and promise, and I hope that, like me, you’re eager to join the journey.

Bashar W. Hanna, President 

Student Athletes move in at Lock Haven

Bloomsburg students are all smiles walking across campus 

Move in day at Mansfield 

    Bashar W. Hanna, President