Thursday, June 17, 2021

Celebrating Juneteenth 2021

This Juneteenth, as we celebrate the significance of this historic day marking the end of slavery in the United States, may we also take a moment to reflect on the past year in our nation’s history. Since the senseless killing of George Floyd, we have witnessed an awakening of the ongoing need for our country to look inward, find our flaws and blemishes, and work to correct them through constructive dialogue and with a collaborative spirit and growth mindset. 

Here at BU, we will continue to strive for racial equality and justice for all. During our town halls for the BU community last summer and fall, we acknowledged that our campus is no different from many cities and communities across this country in that we have much work ahead of us in the areas of equity and inclusion. Thanks to the leadership of the co-chairs of our President’s Commission for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Dr. Shavonne Shorter and Ms. Maddy Rodriguez, we have held many training sessions and engaging discussions for faculty, staff, and students over the course of the past academic year.

While we as a campus community have made progress, we have more work to do and more progress to make. As we celebrate Juneteenth, let’s take some time to think about how we can make a difference as individuals to support our students, colleagues, and neighbors as we continue to build more equitable, inclusive, and welcoming communities at BU and across this great country. 

    Bashar W. Hanna, President

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