Monday, March 23, 2020

Our semester begins anew

Just a few weeks ago, our students left campus for various destinations with the plan to return for classes after their spring break. As you all know, our world has changed significantly since then because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, we resume our academic semester through remote teaching and learning. This is not a day any of us had anticipated when we began the semester in January, but the current circumstances have required us to move to online instruction for the remainder of the semester. The health and safety of our entire BU community is our highest priority, and it is my sincere hope that this message finds each of you in good health.

I want to take a moment to thank our students and their families. In the past few weeks, we have made several decisions that have impacted our students’ academics, their living arrangements, and the BU experience with which they have become so accustomed. I am ever grateful to each and every one of them for their patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to my colleagues for their service, selflessness, and support these past couple weeks. This global pandemic has led to extraordinary circumstances, and the response from our faculty and staff has been equally extraordinary.

As our semester begins anew, I am filled with pride – Husky Pride – and great confidence that we are embarking on this journey together. As one pack, let us finish the semester with the grit and determination for which Huskies are known. May we face this uncharted territory as a family and do what we do best by supporting one another, even if from afar.

Please stay connected each day by checking our website, please focus on your health and well-being in the weeks ahead, and GO HUSKIES!

